Sunday, 22 May 2016

Tracey's latest creations...

I've had a little trouble posting to my blog this week, but it all seems resolved now. Meanwhile, DT member Tracey Fairgrieve has been busying herself with more of my digital images and has created some really characterful pieces which I hope you'll enjoy as much as I did!

Just look at this quirky beach scene! Tracey used my Zendoodle House stamps to create the beach huts and I just love the grasses and the waves. 

But the "piéce de resistance" has to be the hankie on "Pugglie"'s head! Priceless!

Next, Tracey used "Oswald" owl to create a cute  hanger. Tracey says that she printed him onto ordinary copy paper...just shows that you don't need to spend a fortune to make something special!

That's not the end of Tracey's latest creations's a really wonderful piece made using my "Tazzy" the cat download.

It really captures the character of Tazzy I think and I'm full of admiration for all the details that Tracey has added to her moonlight urban scene.....all the graffiti, the bricks in the wall, the buildings and the moon craters...just great!


To see more images of Tracey's creations as well as more details as to how she created them, do check out her blog Hotchpotchcreations.

You can find all the digital downloads that Tracey used in my Etsy shop here.


  1. These are fabulous, love them :-)

    1. Thank you Pam, i'm glad you like them. They were fun projects to create :)
